Community Guidelines

Any use of the Cultivating Caring Community website and member area constitutes an agreement to comply with our community guidelines. Failure to comply could result in termination of membership or further action to be determined by the seriousness of the infraction. 

The following guidelines apply:  

  • No defamatory, indecent, offensive, profane, discriminatory, misleading, unlawful or threatening comments.    
  • No personal attacks, name-calling, trolling and abuse will be tolerated.  
  • Spamming, posting promotional material or posting links to third party websites is not permitted.  
  • We reserve the right to delete comments at our discretion and block any repeat offenders. We will remove content that is fraudulent, deceptive or misleading.  
  • Coordinated group attacks will not be tolerated.   
  • Respect that other people in the community have had different life experiences and may have a different perspective to yours. We welcome different viewpoints.  
  • Our community is a public place. Don’t post personal information that you would not be comfortable sharing with a stranger. We do not recommend that you post any information that may identify you or anyone else, such as your address, email address or phone number; if you do, we cannot be held responsible for any abuse of that information.  
  • Don’t plagiarize. Please credit all reposted content appropriately including images.  
  • Don’t use posts to promote products or services unless express permission is granted.  
  • Don’t use third-party content without permission unless you are permitted to do so by copyright law.  
  • The ascertainment of the accuracy of any medical or therapeutic information or opinions posted by members is not the responsibility of this site but is solely that of those who post. Likewise, members are advised to verify such information and/or consult with medical professionals before following any advice posted here. Blatant false or fraudulent claims can be removed by the site administrators once it is brought to the attention of the administrator 
  • Don’t post any material which may be discriminatory or cause offence on the grounds of an individual’s sex, race, religion or belief, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability or working status.  
  • Don’t impersonate anyone else or suggest that you have an affiliation with a person or association if you do not.  
  • Don’t upload, post, transmit, or make available, any material that contains viruses or any other computer code, programs or files designed to destroy, interrupt, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. 
  • You are responsible for the content of any messages that you post. 

While we endeavor to provide a safe supportive online environment, we do not claim that what we offer can be a substitute for medical treatment, psychiatric treatment or approved, accredited forms of psychotherapy.  

Members who are seeking treatment for serious medical or psychological conditions are advised to contact licensed professionals. In the event of a medical emergency, please contact the appropriate emergency services. 

The opinions expressed by individual Cultivating Caring Community members in our online community are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of all members and/or the administrator and staff of Cultivating Caring Community